Participated in the Study
in Japan Fair at South Africa



Participated in the Study in Japan Fair at South Africa

Thank you very much for meeting us in Pretoria!

On May 22nd, 2019, International University of Japan (IUJ) participated in the Study in Japan Fair held in Pretoria, the Republic of South Africa, which was hosted by Hokkaido University with aiming at attracting talented students in African states as a part of the Study in Japan Global Network Project by MEXT. Nearly 300 people from many of national universities visited the fair, not only from University of Pretoria or University of South Africa which campuses are located closer to the venue but also the other major universities around the country. We were pleased to obtain lots of attentive interests from participants into Japanese culture and studying in Japan through the introduction from Japanese universities and individual meetings at booths.

We, IUJ, challenge and pioneer human resource development in African countries which is focused by Japanese business sector as a next business development region, as its priority region "following Asia." Accepting many excellent students hailing from African counties through international cooperation organizations such as the African Business Education Initiative for Youth (ABE initiative), IUJ has 265 graduates from 36 countires/regions and 74 current students from 27 countries/regions (as of July 1, 2018).

Offering a top global education with the rich international environment, IUJ will continue to develop future global leaders capable of expanding the diversity of international society in international relations or international management community and strive to connect the world with Japan. We believe that he/she will contribute to solve global issues and create our bright future with possessing a tolerance toward different culture.