TICAD7 Official Side Event Symposium
"The Potential of Japanese Development Studies
- from the perspective
of fostering future leaders in Africa-"



TICAD7 Official Side Event Symposium "The Potential of Japanese Development Studies- from the perspective of fostering future leaders in Africa-"

The Potential of Japanese Development Studies
- from the perspective of fostering future leaders in Africa-

Date: Tuesday 27th, August
Time: 13:00-14:30 (Doors open at 12:40.)
Venue: "Annex Hall F201" at PACIFICO Yokohama
Please apply from HERE
Language: English

The Potential of Japanese Development Studies - from the perspective of fostering future leaders in Africa-

International University of Japan (IUJ) started a new master's program, the"Japan -Global Development Program (JGDP)", where students can learn about the historical experience of Japanese economic, social and corporate growth and development. Many African students are taking JGDP courses.Based on this experience, panelists will discuss the development of future leaders for African countries in this symposium.

Prof. Hiroyuki Itami, President of IUJ
Prof. Noboru Yamaguchi, Vice President of IUJ
Mr. Ryoichi Matsuyama, Executive Director, GLOCOM, IUJ, Former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Botswana
Mr. Omer Awad Elbasha Mohammedahmed, IUJ Graduate from Sudan (MBA class of 2019)