IUJ Global Lecture Series_insightworX #March2023



IUJ Global Lecture Series_insightworX #March2023


Office of Top Global University Project , International University of Japan organized a special lecture entitled "Envisioning 2060: Opportunities and Risks for Emerging Markets" on March 6th, 2023. The lecture was delivered by Mr. Harinder Kohli, President and CEO of Centennial Group, and Emerging Markets Forum. Over 20 studendts and faculty members from both Graduate School of International Relations (GSIR) and Graduate School of International Management (GSIM) atteneded this event.

Mr. Harinder Kohli gave a lecture based on his recent co-edited book "Envisioning 2060: Opportunities and Risks for Emerging Markets" which talks about the evolving global economy-with a particular emphasis on emerging markets and economies-painting a wholesome picture for the contemporary reader, of what our world might grow to look like in the next forty years if we succeed or fail at addressing the myriad challenges confronting us today. In this lecture, he mentioned 10 global megatrends (global population trends, urbanization, middle and consumer classes, inequality and inequities, climate change, inetrnational trade, technological progress, future of work and jobs, global cooperation, and global economy), that stimulated insights of students, especially from Asian and African countries.

For the archived video, please visit TubeIUJ

IUJ insightworX is where top-notch academicians and global opinion leaders are invited to IUJ to discuss and provide insights into key global issues facing our modern world.

Office of Top Global University of Project and Regional Cooperation

International University of Japan